
Unlimited content
Access 100+ million premium images, video graphics, and audio, at no extra charge.
Build reusable templates with your brand colors, fonts, and logos.
Keep your branding consistent with brand kits you can easily apply to any piece of content.
Remove image backgrounds in one click. Alter your own photos or use ones from our free library.
Bring ideas to life with more than 14 animation styles designed to make you stand out.
Create high-quality videos without the high costs.
Create a design once and export perfectly for every use.
Schedule social posts ahead of time and see how they perform.Share your designs in a few simple clicks with anyone, on any device.
Get 1TB of cloud storage to easily manage all your Canva content and imported designs.


Design like a Pro

Canva Pro makes it easy for individuals to achieve their goals and create professional designs with premium features like Brand Kit, Unlimited Content, Background Remover, and more.

Create amazing content quickly – no design skills needed

One subscription unlocks endless possibilities for individuals, with premium features like Brand Kit, Premium Templates, Magic Resize, 100+ million stock photos, videos, audio, and more.

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