YouTube lifts some restrictions for mastheads ads


Google has just announced that they are pulling back restrictions on some previously prohibited categories from showing on the YouTube masthead. 

Effective today. Google will now allow booking for masthead ads for the following categories:

  • Sports betting (US only)
  • Alcohol (where legal)
  • Prescription drugs (US, CA, NZ)

What Google says. A spokesperson from Google stated “We’re constantly reviewing our ad requirements  to improve our products and services. Given the evolving regulatory landscape for sports betting and following our successful implementation of our new “per market” YouTube masthead format, we believe that this decision balances the needs of advertisers and consumers.”

Categories for election and political ads, as well as (non-sports) gambling remain restricted.

Additional YouTube masthead changes. In 2020 we reported on Google’s announcement that they would discontinue full-day masthead reservations and replace them with more targeted options. The new CPM option allowed mastheads to be more accessible to a broader market of advertisers. 

View the changelog. You can view the changelog and new policies here.

Why we care. Mastheads are just one of many YouTube and Google advertising formats, and only a fraction of overall ad impressions for YouTube on any single day. But advertisers in any one of the previously restricted categories above can now select that placement, giving them more options for their ad campaigns.  

The post YouTube lifts some restrictions for mastheads ads appeared first on Search Engine Land.


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