Sharing our expertise on advanced eCommerce – OMO
Exabytes is honoured to be invited by Affin Bank and AWS to share our expertise in advanced eCommerce and the possibilities of growing businesses using an Online-merge-offline platform – the 91App.
Meet the Coaches, a SMEngage initiative by Affin Bank was a physical sharing session organised by Affin Bank. This event was only open to invited guests of Affin Bank to meet the coaches, learn, share and network to get the most out of the session. With talks and sharing on eCommerce, Digital Marketing to Online-merge-offline opportunities for retailers, guests benefited from an insightful afternoon on growing their businesses online.
Meet the Coaches
At “Meet the Coaches”, Affin Bank brought together partners with different expertise to share their knowledge. Kicking off the afternoon was Mr Azhar Abdullah, Head, Enterprise Segment, Amazon Web Services (AWS) sharing “What It Takes To Be The Largest eCommerce Store In The World”.
The sharing session was then followed by sharing by this era’s known and much-adored brands and individuals who make a living largely through their online platforms. Sharing their experiences on “The New Age of Digital Marketing” are CK Changr, Founder of OXWHITE, Jann Wong, Founder of Open Minds Resources, Malaysian Cousin, moderated by Mr Yong Kai Ping, CEO of Sidec.
Last and definitely not least, the audience was presented with an insightful sharing by Exabytes on the latest new retail solution – “From O2O to OMO (Online-Merge-Offline): Opportunities for Retailers”. Representing Exabytes was Lee Wei Hong, Senior New Retail Consultant for 91App and Wintson Tham, Business Development Manager of Exabytes as moderator of this session. Also sharing his expertise in this session was Eddie Chew, CEO and Founder of Potboy Groceries.
New Retail, Online-merge-offline – 91App
What are the new retail solutions you’ve heard of or come across with? Has your business reached the stage of advancing to new retail, using an online-merge-offline solution?
Ever heard of online-merge-offline or the 91App? A complete solution to move forward towards “New Retail” business. The 91App provides a seamless experience for your customers from retail to online and vice versa.
To find out more or get a free consultation, contact us here: www.exabytes.my/91app
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