How To Make $1,392,606.00 On Good Mood With Best Print On Demand Mugs


Do you love to wake up in a good mood? So do I! When you get up in the right way, life is good, and you’re feeling good. On the contrary, everybody knows, when the day goes wrong, nothing works out. How can we cope with that and help others do the same? Well, it’s a great idea to start selling unique print on demand mugs designed to lift people’s spirits every day! Actually, the founders of Wittsy Glassware & Gifts have made some $1,392,606.00 on a couple of mugs with encouraging designs with no effort! Hopefully, there are lots of issues to be solved and money to be earned. Stay tuned!



People really value emotions

These are emotions that rule the world. We pay for emotions all the time. When we go to Disneyland, or to the cinema, or somewhere else, we always buy emotions. And this is not about entertainment only!

Even speaking about necessities and items of daily use, one can always find a product that will not only exercise its primary function, but also bring something bigger to the customer — this is all about emotions.

One of these daily necessities can сompletely change the course of daily life and make a good day out of a bad one.

Any doubts? The founders of Wittsy Glassware & Gifts store had no doubts that a couple of items with encouraging designs would allow them to enter the market and win the customers’ hearts!

How to make millions of dollars by lifting people’s spirit

a picture showing how to build a business with the best print on demand mugs

Everything of genius is simple.

Looking back, we can say for sure that this is quite a successful idea, allowing them to make them about $1,500,000 and still bringing them money on a permanent basis.

Can you imagine that these are only a couple of daily necessities that let the store founders make a fortune? In practice, this is not the only case when ecommerce newcomers make their first millions right from the outset with a proper business idea.

Fortunately, there are lots of different issues that have not been solved yet, thus providing opportunities to start your own business and not just make money, but help others make their lives a bit brighter and more comfortable.


I’ll tell you more. We even know what people are looking for now, but can hardly find because nobody sells it. This means a steady opportunity for those who have always dreamed of starting a business on favorable terms!

Do good for others & power your financial independence

a picture showing how to lift up people's spirit

Happiness is in little things like that. It’s amazing that such a small and common thing can bring lots of joy and help to emphasize people’s personality.

Are you eager to help people shout out their identity and give them what they deserve? This is not just a graceful way to build a business you’ll always be proud of. Also, this is a chance for you to build a loyal community around your business and win the niche. Moreover, there are niches with zero competition.

At the moment, print-on-demand products are a one-of-a-kind solution to start a business.

The point is, different prints change an item’s purpose completely, providing an unlimited number of opportunities to start a business in different niches and make money helping other people find what they look for.

Best print on demand mugs ready to cheer up are a perfect example of how a sole item and a clear idea of what’s missing on the market lets a person build a steady business and power his or her independence. Yet, starting a business with unique products, you are likely to find it not so easy.

  • Is anybody worldwide able to start a business selling print on demand mugs and things like that?

a picture showing how to start a business with the best print on demand mugs

Now you know that print on demand products are a perfect way to start a business. However, it can be challenging to build such a business from scratch on your own: you need to find a reliable supplier, hire a professional designer, buy specific equipment, etc. After that, you’ll inevitably face fierce competition on the market.

All successful business owners went through that. Through difficulties to the stars, they won their place on the market. Do you have to follow the same way to succeed? Surely, you don’t.

  • Run a business, delegating all the technicalities to us

a picture showing how to build a business with the best print on demand mugs

With Sellvia, you can start a business with unique products development delegating all the difficulties to the team of ecommerce experts willing to help you make a difference & make a fortune.

In Sellvia catalog, you’ll find lots of products suitable for print-on-demand. We’re happy to take over all the technicalities regarding products designing and manufacturing from scratch. We’ll also upload them to your website and Amazon for you to easily get your audience. Luckily, you won’t face lots of issues this way.

We know what people are looking for right now in different niches, but nobody sells yet. This is a great opportunity not only to build a business and make money on that, but also help people get access to products they can hardly find.


Any business is being started to gain profit, that’s for sure. The point is, a good business brings money, but the best business to start, above all, does good for others. It’s important to find a balance between your desire to make a fortune and make a difference. Are you eager to start a business you’ll always be proud of? If so, this is a promising idea to start selling best print on demand mugs designed in the unique way nobody else offers! In our turn, we’ll take over all the difficulties to ensure a smooth start for you. Actually, there’s a lot more. As the Chinese proverb says, “The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago. The second best time is now.” Don’t miss an opportunity to get a free training course with our business advisor willing to help you succeed. Do you?

The post How To Make $1,392,606.00 On Good Mood With Best Print On Demand Mugs appeared first on Sellvia.


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