What Can Doing Business In The US Mean For YOU – And Your Future? [3 Newcomer Stories]


When you’re just starting out, doing business in the US might seem like an ambitious and even daunting task. However, with the right mindset and the right set of tools at hand, nothing is impossible! Today, we’re reviewing three enviable stories of first-time online entrepreneurs who gave their ideas a shot – and hit their targets.

Doing business in the US (even as a side hustle) can mean a different future for you and your loved ones

Doing business in the US as a newcomer: Rodney's experience

“I guess the pandemic played a great role”, admits Rodney, 35, a father of two.

Enthusiastic about all things digital (“computers became not just a job, but a lifestyle”), Rodney has built quite a successful career in his field. Unfortunately, he had to start looking for a source of passive income when the COVID-19 pandemic started threatening his job security.

Sellvia’s ready-to-go online store is where my experience with ecommerce started.

Having no formal ecommerce training or experience in selling things online, Rodney still became an actual business owner through Sellvia.

What’s more, 6 months after launching this online startup, he got a second Sellvia store to expand his business. Plot twist? His 14-year-old daughter is running this second store single-handedly!

Sellvia has things like marketing guidance, ecommerce tips, and free consultations with the team’s advisors.

With such an easy-to-manage solution at his service, Rodney meets his financial goals with ease.

“This business is a full-time thing for me and it’s paying my bills and my mortgage now”, he says, “I left my job because of the pandemic and never returned to my career”.

For Rodney and his family, starting an online business from scratch has been a life-changing step, indeed – and this decision is definitely paying off.

Doing business in the US can be not only rewarding, but also fulfilling

Doing business in the US as a newcomer: James' experience

“I’m getting close to retirement age and I don’t want to be bored”, explains James, a military veteran and a father of four.

Willing to get something meaningful (and, hopefully, profitable) to enjoy in his free time, he also wanted it to have a lasting impact. On top of that, James was motivated by a chance to build a future for his daughter – and leave her a business she could own.

Despite his brief blogging experience and hobby-related Instagram presence, James, as he puts it, “is not very great with technology”. That’s why he appreciated the opportunity of getting a ready-made website done for him from scratch – exactly what Sellvia delivered!

A former stained glass artist, knife collector and a motorcycle enthusiast, James is a person of many interests. No wonder he wants his online business to reflect them – and to express his personal values, ideas, and beliefs, too.

I’d want to focus on specific products that give the store my own style. I’m really interested in starting my own brand rather than just selling random things.

Through a series of free consultations with Sellvia advisors, James is able to give his business ideas a clearer shape. And, getting unique products designed at his request, he can actually center his store around any of his lifelong passions! A rare opportunity for an ecommerce newcomer with no technical background, don’t you think?

Doing business in the US – even as a complete newcomer! – you can aim big

Doing business in the US as a newcomer: Sayed's experience

“I had to make a lot of payments”, Sayed remembers, “and my whole life seemed like waiting for the next salary”.

For the last 20 years, Sayed has been working for a non-profit organization. Less than half a year ago, he launched his first online business ever!

With no ecommerce experience at all, he still managed to expand his venture and to start selling on Amazon.

I source all the products for my Amazon sales from Sellvia: they are all available at the Sellvia warehouse in California. Shipping is fast and customers are really happy.

These days, Sayed is a well-off online business owner who combines entrepreneurship with a full-time job. His Amazon business is flourishing even though he dedicates two hours a day to it!

As Sayed explains, the key to making it on Amazon is teaming up with a right partner. There’s no need to go to Amazon directly or invest thousands of dollars into a high-risk strategy. Instead, you can get a store at no cost and fill it with unique products that meet Amazon buyers’ demand.

Even with no experience in ecommerce or marketing education, doing business in the US with one-of-a-kind products is perfectly possible! Book your free consultation today to discuss your individual plans and dreams with Sellvia’s Forbes-acknowledged team and get your business journey mapped out for you!

The post What Can Doing Business In The US Mean For YOU – And Your Future? [3 Newcomer Stories] appeared first on Sellvia.


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